Sunday, February 15, 2009


I am choosing to not dwell on my feelings but to believe in His Word. I am already beginning to feel joy welling up.

He gave me a gift yesterday. I have been wanting to go back home next month for a family gathering and I put in for it at work since I have to work weekends. Well this last week my youngest was sick and I took off a few days. They have started to get strict at work so I thought my request would be denied but when I checked last night it was approved. I felt right away it was a gift from Him.
I know he loves to bless His children in various ways..sometimes we dont even know what it is.

I haven't been to church in awhile because of my job but I managed to go today..was blessed by the sermon. It was about marriage and he talked about the movie Fireproof. If you haven't seen that movie I totally recommend it.

anyway I am going to go enjoy the rest of my day.
God bless you all


VoicingAutism said...

Hi Katt!

I'm glad things are going good for you. No, I haven't seen the FireProof movie yet, but you did? I"ll have to make sure Rog and I go sometime, we have a discount theatre that shows movies after they've been out awhile.

Glad you made it to church today. We did too, just didn't go to Bible Study today, just the church service but it was awesome. I love our pastor and church. And they're so good to JUlian.

Hope you have a good week, sis.

Your blog looks good, by the way!

Angela said...

Praise God for His favor and blessings...((hugs))