Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I am ashamed of myself and my attitude the last few weeks. I complained, murmured, was angry..all because of our bills and not having money for Christmas. I am working but my husband has not for awhile. I took most of my anger out on him and blamed him for everything..even things from years and years ago..
It made me realize how much unforgivenss I hold..that I thought I had let go of..I know that it is hindering my walk...my relationship with God.

I read my sister in Christs blog and her faith is so awesome..I wish I had a speck of that.

Help me God..I am so scared at how far away I am falling


Angela said...

Just to let you know my precious sister,,I verbally vomitted on Randy the other day..I probably jammed packed in that 10 minute spill what you did in weeks...SIGH...

I kept saying to the Lord,,'oh ya Father, oh ya,,here Kat thinks I'm this great faithfilled woman'. It was a ROUGH day yesterday, emotionally, mentally, and physically..the worse in 17 months. It was a teachable moment though,,learned a lot..

One thing I learned Kat,,I LIVED like that EVERY SINGLE day for a long time...sigh..I AM not going back to that old way of living girl...those 10 minutes made me go downstairs and repent to God, bind in the Name of Jesus Christ the spirit of strife, dissension, anger and brokenness from my family.

I was able to keep my mouth shut (talking) for the rest of the day(words spoken after that were in love and politeness)...

Love ya girl...((hugs))

Happy New Year.

kat said...

Thanks Ang..I really do appreciate your words..
Love u and Happy New Year